Marble by Alina Schneider

Marble by Alina Schneider

Today we're talking with Alina about the elegant design she designed for Issue 21, Marble. The sample uses Baby Yak Medium from mYak for a soft and cozy pullover with lots of interesting details.

amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?

    Alina: It was a combination of amirisu aesthetics, yarn and my own knitwear preferences.
    For me, amirisu has always been synonymous with casual and timeless knitwear, and it was my goal to create a piece that will match this vision.
    Baby yak yarn created such a beautiful drape, so I knew I wanted to play with the flow of the fabric created by the oversize silhouette.
    And I always tend to add some texture details to my designs. Actually this particular stitch pattern that I used for the hem of the sweater has been in my notes for months - I knew I was going to include it in one of my designs at some point, but nothing really felt right until this project came along. I loved modifying it a little bit to make it my own.


    amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?

    Alina: Grey. I am drawn to neutral shades a lot, especially for cables. But if you want to add some color to it, I think deep mustard shade would be perfect for Fall.


    amirisu: How did you start your knitting journey?

    Alina: After graduation, I was totally lost, depressed and feeling totally unworthy. I was not sure that degree I spent 5 years of my life on was of any use to me, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. My Granny Eugenia dragged me to my first yarn store and told me to start making something with my hands to distract me. From the moment I walked into that tiny yarn store, I felt excitement and inspiration. It was 12 years ago. Since then, I don’t remember a day when knitting was not involved in my life in some kind of way.


    amirisu: Do you have any favorite stitch patterns that you like to use?

    Alina: Cables, cables, cables! I love their “magic” - how with basic stitch crosses you can create absolutely unique fabric.


    amirisu: Are there any new at-home activities you’ve been enjoying over the past few months?

    Alina: I guess I am lucky in a sense that I’ve never had any trouble staying home. I always have something to do - knit, read, study, work, stretch, etc. But even my introvert self was feeling low during these quarantine times, so I definitely mastered the art of Netflix binge watching in bed doing absolutely nothing. But in all seriousness, we were lucky that some nature spots were still open for exercising. I never liked running, but it grew on me during this year and I am grateful for that. Every day I would look forward to the afternoon golden hour to put on my tennis shoes, get the music in my ears and just run. It really helped my physical and mental health.


    Thank you for your time, Alina! 


    今日ご紹介するのはメキシコ在住のデザイナーAlinaさん。ゆったりとしたmYak MediumのセーターMarbleをデザインしてくれました。柔らかくて着心地がよく、随所に散りばめられた工夫がとってもお洒落です。


    Alina: amirisuのセンス、mYakの毛糸と自分の好みの融合からインスピレーションを得ました。私にとって、amirisuといえば時代を問わないデザインとカジュアルなウェアのイメージですので、それに合うデザインを作りたいと思いました。



    Alina: グレーですね。中間色が大好きですが、特に縄編みでよく使います。中間色以外となると、深みのある辛子色は秋にぴったりだと思います。


     amirisu: 編み物を始めたきっかけは何でしたか?

    Alina: 大学を卒業後、自分の道が見つからずにいて、自分に価値がないように感じてすっかり落ち込んでいました。5年間かけて手に入れた学位が役に立たないのではと思い、次はどうしたらよいのか悩んでいました。そんな時におばあちゃんが毛糸屋さんに初めて連れて行ってくれて、気分転換に手を動かしてものを作りなさいと言ってくれました。その小さな毛糸屋さんの中に入った瞬間から、ワクワクして、創造性が刺激されました。あれから12年になりますが、編み物は私の生活の中で何らかの形で毎日関わっています。


    amirisu: つい使ってしまう、お気に入りのステッチがあれば教えてください。
    Alina: 縄編み!目を交差させるだけでまったく違う編み地が出来上がるので、まるで魔法みたいです。



    Alina: もともと家で過ごすのが苦にならないのがラッキーなのかもしれません。家にいてもできることがいっぱいあります。例えば、編み物、読書、勉強、仕事や柔軟運動。



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