amirisu Issue 25 is now available! Our 2022 Fall/Winter issue was photographed at the Kyoto Kyocera Museum of Art, the perfect location for this collection of elegant and artistic designs. We hope you enjoy reading the magazine as well as knitting and wearing the designs!
Starting from today, on this blog we will share interviews with each of the designers who participated in Issue 25.
In this first installment we talk to Ksenia Naidyon about Kamon, a dramatic scarf with a lots of texture.
Starting from today, on this blog we will share interviews with each of the designers who participated in Issue 25.
In this first installment we talk to Ksenia Naidyon about Kamon, a dramatic scarf with a lots of texture.
amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?
Ksenia: Mesmerizing shapes and patterns of modern sculpture are created not only with stone, plaster or metal. Even ordinary paper can be transformed into complex structures composed of clusters of geometric forms or into ethereal curved waves. Made by hand, each fold of such pieces is slightly different and unique - like every knit stitch.When thinking about what we’re wishing to knit and wear during colder months, I came up with a design of a comfortable and cozy unisex wrap that would be a nice companion both for the walks outside and snuggling at home. The textures of this design were inspired by the magical play of light and shadow on modern paper sculptures. The body of the wrap is worked in a rhythmic rib pattern, resembling the way shadows highlight the folds of stripes of paper.
amirisu: What, if any, challenges did you encounter during the design process?
Ksenia: There were two things I spent a lot of time thinking of for this piece. The first was which type of ribbing to use for the main fabric. I wanted it to be rhythmic and easy to memorize, but at the same time a bit more interesting than the classic 1x1 or 2x2 rib. I'm very happy with the addition of the slipped stitches and the final look they gave the piece. Second, I found it rather tricky to explain the smocking technique. It gets pretty intuitive once you complete the first couple of rows, but when worked for the first time it requires concentration and attention to details.
amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?
Ksenia: I would love to see this piece in true white or subtle cream. These colors would make it look as close as possible to the real paper sculpture, the initial inspiration for the design.
amirisu: How did you start your knitting journey?
Ksenia: Taught to knit by my mom at the age of five, I've had an on and off relationship with yarn and needles for the next fifteen years. Then knitting became a constant in the ever changing life, a perfect hobby that was comforting and challenging, creative and analytical at the same time.I received a degree in mathematics and worked in the field for many years. After the move to San Francisco in 2015 that changed almost everything in my life, I decided it was an ideal moment to give my lifelong passion for fiber arts a proper chance. Haven't looked back since!
amirisu: Do you have a favorite museum or work of art? Please tell us a little about it.
Ksenia: San Francisco has a true gem of the Legion of Honor museum. It is not very big, but has a lovely collection of Rodin sculpture and European art. It houses Le Grand Canal piece by Claude Monet, which is my absolute favorite. The building of the museum is a delight of its own.
Thank you, Ksenia!
初回は、スモッキングとリブの模様がかわいいスカーフ、KamonをデザインしてくれたKsenia Naidyonさんにお話を伺っています。
Ksenia: 現代彫刻の魅惑的な形と模様は、石や石膏、金属だけで作られるのではありません。なんて事のない普通の紙も、幾何学的な形の集まりからなる複雑な構造物や、優美にカーブした波に変身することができるのです。こういった作品の折り目は、手編みのニットの一目一目と同じように、それぞれ違っていてユニークだと感じます。
Ksenia: 時間をかけて考えた点が2つあります。一つ目は、本体にどんな種類のリブを使うか。リズミカルで覚えやすく、1目ゴム編みや2目ゴム編みよりも面白いものにしたいと思ったのです。
Ksenia: 真っ白か、ほのかなクリーム色で編みたいです。デザインのインスピレーションである元々の紙の彫刻に近いからです。
Ksenia: 5歳の時に母親から編み物を教わりました。それから15年ほどは、毛糸と編み針と別れたりよりを戻したりするような関係を続けてきました。しかしその後、編み物は変わりゆく人生の中でも不変のもの、つまり安らぎと同時に挑戦でもある、クリエイティブで完璧な趣味となりました。
Ksenia: サンフランシスコのLegion of Honor美術館が好きです。大きくはありませんが、オーギュスト・ロダンの彫刻やヨーロッパのアートの素敵なコレクションがあります。クロード・モネのヴェネツィアの大運河の絵画もあり、私のお気に入りです。美術館の建物それ自体も美しいですよ。