Bisou by Paula Pereira
Today we’re introducing Bisou by Paula Pereira. Paula, located in Sao Paolo, Brazil, has experience studying architecture and her designs often feature interesting construction and distinctive colorwork. Like Mio in amirisu 18 or Kanako, an amirisu exclusive design for our Parade yarn, Bisou is another charming, understated design by Paula that can be worn every day, but also has just the right amount of personality.
amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?
Paula: The mood board inspired me to think about a henley top, pleasant to knit that can be worn for ages, but with delicate, contemporary, and feminine details. My favorite features are the tiny neckline pleats and the overall shape, especially the sleeves!
amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?
Paula: Oh! I think the possibilities are endless! I had a crush for neutrals, but I'd love to have a Bisou in a bright color. Not only for warmer weather but also for layering in colder temperatures. I also think that multicolored yarns would be another great idea.
amirisu: Could you tell us about any shops or places you recommend in your area? We are dreaming of places to go and things to do in the future.
Paula: I am originally from Rio de Janeiro, but have been living in Sao Paulo since 2014. I am now totally in love with "Sampa" (locals say "SP")! It is a huge city with approximately 12.2 million people. I believe it's exactly because of the large population that it is an amazing multicultural and diverse place to live!
We have several amazing yarn stores: Novelaria Knit Cafe , Empório das Lãs, e Pintar e Bordar. Each one of them has their own style, and all welcome knitters and makers!
And there are two companies in Brazil (not in Sao Paulo) that I am super proud of:
- Da Fazenda Yarns: They are producers of the finest merino yarns, with a magnificent collection of naturally dyed yarns. Her last collection dyed with Brazilwood ("Pau Brazil") is absolutely beautiful!
- Casa da Vivi: The most adorable yarn store in Brasília, our capital. Viviane, the owner and my friend, had dreamed of having a well-curated store dedicated to knitting, sewing, and other crafts. After living in the US for a few years, she came back ready for the challenge. Her store just turn 1 year-old!
今日はPaula PereiraデザインのBisouを紹介します。ブラジル・サンパウロ出身のPaulaは建築を学んだこともあり、面白い構造や特徴的なカラーワークのデザインを数多く発表しています。amirisu 18号のMioやParadeで編むKanakoなど毎日のワードローブに取り入れやすいけれど、どこか個性のあるデザインに毎回心惹かれます。
amirisu: このデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?
Paula: amirisuのムードボードを見て襟なしのヘンリースタイルのプルオーバーが頭に浮かびました。楽しく編めるけれど長年着ることができ、でも繊細で今っぽくて女性らしいようなイメージです。このデザインで一番気に入っているところは首元の細かいプリーツと全体の形、特に袖の形が好きです!
amirisu: もう1枚編むとしたら何色にしますか?
Paula: そうね、可能性は無限大にあると思います!ニュートラルな色も大好きだけれど、明るい色のBisouも着たい!もちろん暖かい季節に着るのも良いですが、寒い時に重ね着として使うのも良いと思います。あと、多色使いの糸で編むのもきっと素敵ですよね。
amirisu: いつか自由に旅ができる日を夢見ているので、あなたの住んでいる町のオススメのお店や場所があったら教えて下さい。
Paula: 私はリオデジャネイロ出身ですが、2014年からはサンパウロに住んでいて、"Sampa "(サンパウロのニックネームです!)を心から愛しています。約12,200,000人が住む大都市ですが、多文化で多様な人種が住む素晴らしい場所です。次のような素敵な毛糸屋もありますよ!
1つはDa Fazenda Yarnsです! この会社はとても繊細なメリノを多種の天然染料で染めています。彼女がブラジルボク("Pau Brazil") で染めた最新のコレクションは本当に美しいです!
もう1つは首都ブラジリアにある可愛いCasa da Viviというお店です! 私の友人でもあるオーナーのVivianeは厳選された編み物、縫い物、手芸用品のお店を出すのが夢でしたが、米国に数年住んだ後ブラジルに戻ってきてようやく決心しました。そのお店が開店しからもうすぐ1年になります!