Fay by Fiona Alice

Fay by Fiona Alice

Today we're talking with Fiona Alice about her Issue 22 design Fay, a comfy pullover with hidden details. The sample is worked in Illimani Sabri I, a blend of 85% organic cotton and 15% baby alpaca, for a smooth, extra soft fabric with lovely drape.

amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?
Fiona: There were many textures in the original mood board for this issue that inspired me. I knew I wanted to play around with a transparent element in this design and decided to go with lace. I hid the lace trellis underneath the arms and on the sides of the sweater, so a pop of texture can be seen depending on the movement of the wearer. I decided on a name that had a magical meaning behind it to complement this unexpected detail. The word “fay” has roots in Middle English and Old French meaning “fairy or elf” as we know it today.

amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?
Fiona: I think Fay will look stunning in any of the natural shades of Sabri I. However, Illimani just released nine new shades of Sabri I this spring. Out of the new colors, I can see myself picking either Black or Orchid for my own personal Fay.

amirisu: How did you start your knitting journey?
Fiona: I was probably around 7 or 8 years-old when I first learned how to knit. My mother, Wendy Alice, is responsible for introducing me to most textile crafts at an early age. She learned from her grandmother, who was named Alice. Many knitters don’t realize that Alice is not my last name but instead my middle name. When deciding on a “brand name,” I felt it was important to incorporate Alice into it. It’s a way of keeping the memory of my great-grandmother Alice alive. She was incredibly resourceful by making things to provide for her family during a time when craft supplies and even essential items were very limited.

amirisu: Has spending more time at home or in your local area during the pandemic had any unexpected positives in your experience?
Fiona: During the pandemic, I have been able to explore my neighbourhood in Helsinki much better. I moved to my area two years ago and it wasn’t until recently that I realized how lucky I am to have everything I need within walking distance. My husband and I love supporting our favourite local business when we can. As for new hobbies, I’ve discovered that I am not terrible at gluten-free baking. I’ve always loved to cook but my baking attempts always seemed to end in disaster. With the right recipes, I have been baking gluten-free breads, cookies, and cakes. I also recently got a raised garden bed in a nearby park. I’ll be having fun seeing what I can grow this summer.  


Thank you for your time, Fiona!


今日ご紹介するのはデザイナーFiona Aliceさんのプルオーバー、Fay。指定糸のコットンとアルパカの混紡のSabri Iで編むと、とても柔らかくて着心地がよく、バイヤス地とレース模様とリブのコントラストが美しい一着です。

amirisu: このデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?

Fiona: 今回のムードボードの中の色々なテクスチャに刺激を受けました。何か「透明な」要素を取り入れてみたいと思っていたので、レースを使うことにしました。袖の下とセーターの側面にレース模様を施し、着て、動いた時にちらっとのぞくようにしました。パターンの名前は、この意外なディテールから魔法に関する名前にしました。「Fay」は、「妖精」または「エルフ」を意味する中英語と古フランス語にルーツがあります。

amirisu: もう1枚編むとしたら何色で編みますか?
Fiona: IllimaniのSabri Iの自然な色合いのどの色で編んでも素敵だと思います。Illiamniは、この春、9つの新しい鮮やかな色をリリースしました。私は、新色で編むとしたらBlackかOrchidを選ぶと思います。

amirisu: 編み物を始めたきっかけは何でしたか?

Fiona: 最初に教えてもらったのは、おそらく7歳か8歳くらいでした。母ウェンディ・アリスは、私が幼い頃からテキスタイルについてのほとんどの手芸を紹介してくれました。母は祖母のアリスから学んだそうです。気づかない方も多いのですが、アリスは私の苗字ではなく、ミドルネームです。 デザイナーとしての「ブランド名」を決めるとき、アリスを入れることが大事だと思いました。私の曽祖母のアリスの記憶を残したいと思いました。彼女は、工芸品や必需品が手に入らない時代でも家族を養うためにものを作ったりして、とても機知に富んでいました。

amirisu: 家にいることが多くなり生活を楽しめるように工夫をしていらっしゃると思います。その中で新しい発見や良かったことがあれば教えてください。 


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