Today we bring you the final installment of our interview series with the designers featured in Issue 23! We hope you have enjoyed taking a peek behind each of these designs and learning a little bit about the talented designers who contributed to this issue.
For our final interview we're talking with Tokuko about her shawl design Bennet. Tokuko designed this shawl based on Meri's vision, so Meri makes an appearance in today's interview, too!
amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?
Tokuko: This time the process was all about bringing Meri's idea to reality. After I spent some time talking with her about what she had in mind I worked on finding a stitch pattern and construction that I thought would be enjoyable to knit. The shawl collar is one of the main features of the design. It's warm and practical and suits the classic feel of the movie, too. I think it turned out really well and of course I'm glad that Meri likes it, too.
Meri: I've always liked Jane Austen's novels and the movies based on her work. When we decided to come up with a shawl design I pictured a shawl coordinated with a regency era dress, so I decided to choose Pride and Prejudice for inspiration. With the wool wraps and shawls shown in the movie in mind I asked Tokuko to create a shawl with a collar.
amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?
Tokuko: While I think a lighter color is better for showing off the cables, I really like Winterfell and would choose this colorway for myself.
amirisu: What is your favorite movie genre?
Tokuko: Since I'm usually knitting while I watch, I generally watch Japanese films or romances and human dramas dubbed in Japanese. That said, I really like fantasy and science fiction, too. Lately I've been rewatching all of the Matrix films to prepare to go see the new Matrix movie.
amirisu: When and where do you typically knit?
Tokuko: If I don't knit at every opportunity I can't keep up with the deadlines, so I'm constantly knitting. If I had to pick a particular time and place, I would say that I enjoy knitting after dinner on the sofa most, even if it's for work.
Thank you Tokuko and Meri!
amirisu: このデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?
Tokuko: 今回はメリさんのイメージを形にするという作業だったので、本人からよくよく聞き取り調査をした後に、私なりに編みやすい模様や構成方法を考えました。襟元が一つのポイントですが、暖かくて実用的ですしクラシカルな雰囲気も映画のコンセプトにピッタリで、素敵に出来上がったと思います。メリさんも気に入ってくれて何よりです。
Meri: オースティンの小説も映画も元々好きですが、ショールと言ったらやっぱりこの時代のドレスに羽織っているイメージかな、と思って『プライドと偏見』を選びました。映画の中に出てくるウールの羽織物を想像しながら、襟付きのショールを作って欲しいとトクコさんにリクエストしてみました。
amirisu: もう1枚編むとしたら何色で編みますか?
Tokuko: 交差模様が目立つようにと思うとあまり濃い色では編めないのですが、Winterfellの色合いが大好きなので、この色で編んでみたいです。
amirisu: 好きな映画のジャンルはなんですか?
Tokuko: 編み物のお供で見ることが多いので、基本的に日本語のものか吹き替えの恋愛や人間ドラマ的なものを見ています。が、本当はファンタジーやSFも好きで、今は新しいマトリックスを見に行くためにもう一度昔の映画を見直そうと思ってるところです。
amirisu: 普段の生活では、いつどこで編み物をすることが多いですか?
Tokuko: どんな隙間時間も逃さずに編まないと納期に間に合わないので、いつでもどこでも編んでいます。強いて言えば、晩御飯を食べた後にソファーに座って編む時間が、それが仕事編み物だとしても一番好きな時間です。