Amirah by Keiko Kikuno
Today we're sharing our interview with Keiko Kikuno, the designer behind the elegant lace-sleeved pullover, Amirah. Perhaps her color choice gives you a hint as to which Disney princess inspired this design...? Keep reading to learn more about her design process for this functional and feminine piece.
amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?
Keiko: My concept was to create a sweater that I could picture Jasmine in the movie Aladdin wearing. She’s active and kind of a tomboy, so I liked the idea of something sporty and simple, but I thought there should also be a glamorous element, too. I decided to use stockinette for the body and twisted rib to keep the openings fitted and easy to move in. Finally, to add that touch of glamour I decided to use a large lace motif for the sleeves.
amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?
Keiko: Worked in black it would have a dressy feel that would be really lovely.
Keiko: Worked in black it would have a dressy feel that would be really lovely.
amirisu: What is your favorite movie genre?
Keiko: I like to watch suspense, mystery, and comedies most.
amirisu: When and where do you typically knit?
Keiko: I often knit at night while watching TV after the kids have gone to bed. Other than that, I also knit in the car when I’m waiting on something, or at park as I talk with friends. I’m always carrying a small pouch with a sock project inside just in case I have some time to knit throughout the day.
Thank you for your time, Keiko!
今回は、レース模様のパフスリーブがエレガントなAmirahをデザインしてくれたKeiko Kikunoさんのインタビューです。ニットの色から、ディズニーのあの王女さまをイメージした方もいるでしょうか?それでは、Keikoさんに詳しくお話を聞いてみましょう!
amirisu: このデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?
amirisu: もう1枚編むとしたら何色で編みますか?
amirisu: 好きな映画のジャンルはなんですか?
Keiko: サスペンス、推理もの、笑って楽しめるものも好きです。
amirisu: 普段の生活では、いつどこで編み物をすることが多いですか?
Keiko: 夜、子供たちをベッドに送ってからドラマなどを見ながら編み物をします。それ以外では、何かの待ち時間に車の中や、公園のベンチなどで、ママ友と話しながら、など編んでいます。そのためにいつも編みかけの靴下を入れた小さいポーチを携帯しています。