Michèle by Rievive
The Japanese edition of amirisu Issue 23 was released earlier this month on November 6, and the English version has been released today, November 13. The twelve elegant designs in this issue are all inspired by each designer’s favorite film. We are excited to showcase the designs here on our blog by sharing some short conversations with designers who contributed to this issue.
Today we are talking with Rievive about an elegant boatneck pullover Michèle and her favorite movie. So, let's start the interview!
Rievive: Since the theme for this issue was about finding inspiration in films we enjoyed, I picked a film I liked when I was younger, Les Amants du Pant-Neuf (or “The Lovers on the Bridge”), and worked up a design as I recalled elements of the film. I felt a punk rock vibe from the film and when I think of punk fashion two things that come to mind are mohair and plaid, so I decided to incorporate them both into my design.
Rievive: I would like to make a brown version.
Rievive: For films and music, I’m really influenced by artists I like or my friends, so when I think back over films I’ve enjoyed, they are all kinds of movies from various genres. If I had to narrow it down, I would say anything other than horror. (I’ve tried, but I'm not a fan.)
As an adult, I also found myself more interested in watching Japanese movies, too.
amirisu: このデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?
Rievive: 今号のテーマが「好きな映画とそれにインスパイアされたニット」ということでしたので、若い頃に見て印象的だった映画「ポンヌフの恋人」を思い出しながらデザインしました。
Rievive: 茶系で編んでみたいです。
Rievive: 映画や音楽は、好きなアーティストや友人の影響が大きいのですが、これまで観てきたものを振り返るとすごく多ジャンルですね。しいて言うとすれば、ホラー以外です(ホラーはどうしても苦手)。大人になってからは、日本の映画をよく観るようになりました。
amirisu: 普段の生活では、いつどこで編み物をすることが多いですか?
Rievive: 家のリビングです。大きな丸テーブルの上で、編むことからPC作業までほとんどがここです。