We are now in the about half way through our designer interviews. Thank you for joining us through our conversations with each designer featured in Issue 27!
I can't help but think that music is an ideal companion to knitting. Even with your hands full you can enjoy listening to a song, and as this issue shows, there are many ways music can inspire your creativity.
Today we are taking a look at Megumi Sawada's design, Harmony, a pullover that is made up of several cables balanced in perfect harmony.
amirisu: Where did you get the inspiration for this design?
Megumi: When I was heard the theme of "music," the first thing that came to mind was the word "harmony."
Music has been a part of my life since I was a child. Looking back, music been a source of support in throughout my life. The sounds of voices singing in beautiful harmony has always been my favorite aspect of music.
I wondered if I could express "harmony" in some way. That's why I designed this sweater.
amirisu: What challenges did you face in the design process?
Megumi: The cables are the main point of this sweater, but I was careful to make sure that the other patterns matched the main cables and that the patterns themselves expressed harmony, so I knit a lot of swatches.
Two significant parts of the design that took some refining were the shape of the neckline and deciding to make the cuffs of the sleeves a little longer than usual.
amirisu: If you were to knit another one, what color would you use?
Megumi: I would like to knit another one in a bright color like white (00) or light gray (01) of TOV DK.
amirisu: Is there any particular music you like to listen to while knitting?
Megumi: I listen to pop music and rock music, but I often make playlists of my current favorite artists to listen to while I knit. I think I make more progress when I knit while listening to my favorite music.
Thank you, Megumi!
amirisu: このデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?
Megumi: 「音楽」というテーマをいただいた時、まず最初に思い浮かんだのが「ハーモニー」という言葉でした。
amirisu: デザインの過程で、どんな苦労や工夫がありましたか?
Megumi: ケーブルがメインのポイントですが、それ以外の模様がメインのケーブルに合うか、かつ、その模様自体もハーモニーを表現するかどうかに気を使い、今回もたくさんスワッチを編みました。襟ぐりの形と、袖のゴム編み部分を少し長めにしたのが、今回のデザインで工夫したポイントです。
amirisu: もう一枚編むとしたら何色で編みますか?
Megumi: TOV DKの真っ白(00)やライトグレー(01)などの明るい色で編みたいです。
amirisu: 編み物をしながら聴く音楽、編み物が捗る音楽はありますか?もしくは、好きな音楽を教えてください。
Megumi: ポップスもロックも満遍なく聴くのですが、その時好きなアーティストのプレイリストを自分で作って、それを聴きながら編むことが多いです。好きな曲を聴きながら編む方が捗るように思います。