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Featured: Streaks by Keiko Kikuno

Featured: Streaks by Keiko Kikuno

I hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy. We are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, and I am feeling more and more grateful for the fiber community we have. I am knitting while watching Instagram live videos and YouTube, participating in Zoom meetings hosted by overseas shops, and somehow feeling more connected to some of my friends than usual. As much as I want to go out and meet family and friends in person, I hope some of the treasures we have found during this time will stay with us.

Today, we are talking about Streaks by Keiko Kikuno, the cover piece for our latest amirisu magazine. How dreamy it would be to spend a quiet day at home while wearing this comfy, relaxed-fit brioche sweater. Let's hear more about this design from Keiko.

amirisu: Where did you get the inspiration for Streaks?

Keiko: I wanted to design a comfortable and cozy sweater, like something I would wear at home all day when it’s snowing outside. And specifically, I wanted it to be in a simple shape using brioche rib.


amirisu: If you were to knit it in another color, what would it be?

Keiko: It would be in blue, maybe Luft in L05!


amirisu: How did you start your knitting journey?

Keiko: My mother taught me some basic knitting techniques like how to knit, purl, cast-on, and bind off when I was little. I learned new techniques little by little by myself from knitting books, but I was just an occasional knitter until I moved to the States. I had so much time to kill after the move that I picked up my knitting needles again, and ever since then I knit all the time.


amirisu: What is your favorite way to spend a quiet day at home?

Keiko: I like to do crafts all day long while watching some TV and sipping tea! It could be knitting, sewing, rug hooking, anything really. I love all sorts of crafting. What I'd most like to try right now is block printing on fabric with my twins so I can use the fabric to make clothes or bags for them!


Thank you Keiko for your time!



さて、今回ご紹介するのはamirisu19号の表紙を飾ったStreaksのデザイナー、Keiko Kikunoさんです。家でゆっくりする時間、こんなセーターに身を包んでいたら幸せですよね。では、Keikoさんよろしくお願いします。

amirisu: Streaksのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?

Keiko: 雪が降っている日に家で着て寛げるような着心地の良いセーターをデザインしたいと思っていました。それもシンプルな形でブリオッシュリブのものを。


amirisu: 他の色で編むとしたら何色を選びますか?

Keiko: 青で編みたいです。LuftのL05かな!


amirisu: 編み物を始めたきっかけは何でしたか?

Keiko: 幼い頃に母から表目、裏目、作り目や伏せ目など基本的なことを習いました。その後も編み物本から自分で少しずつ新しいテクニックを学んでいきましたが、たまに編む程度でした。でも渡米してから暇な時間が多くなったこともあり、編み物を再開してからはずっと編み続けています。 


amirisu: 家で過ごすお気に入りの時間はどんな時ですか?

Keiko: 紅茶を入れてTVを観ながら手芸を1日中している時です。編み物でも縫い物でもラグフッキングでもそれ以外の手芸でも何でも好きです。今挑戦してみたいことは、双子の子供たちと一緒に布にブロックプリントで柄をつけ、それを使って彼らの洋服やバッグを作ることです!



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