Along with her twin sister Sachiko, Kiyomi Burgin has a variety of charming garment and accessory designs to her name. For amirisu Issue 20 she designed Tabouret, a beret, and Mado, a fun pullover sweater.
amirisu: What was your inspiration for these designs?
Kiyomi: I love the sheer fabric that working with lace weight mohair creates. Looking through knitted mohair is like looking through a stain glass window, so I thought why not make a sweater with windows, literally! Mado was a very experimental design for me, but I'm happy with how it turned out.
Berets are becoming more popular again, and I think they are so cute! I decided to try designing a very simple one in rib. Tabouret is what I came up with. The pom pom makes it feel more like a Scottish tam.
amirisu: If you were to knit these designs other colors, what would you choose?
Kiyomi: I would love to knit Mado in colours that resemble the look of windows at night time. Maybe a dark grey for the main colour of the sweater, with the windows knit in soft yellow and pale lavender to look like windows illuminated by lamps and TV screens.
I can imagine Tabouret made with Black Truffle used as the main colour, and oatmeal used as the contrast. Basically just switching the colours around!
amirisu: Could you tell us about any shops or places you recommend in your area? We are dreaming of places to go and things to do in the future.
Kiyomi: I live in Toronto, Canada, and we are very lucky to have so many interesting stores and neighbourhoods, including a number of very nice yarn and craft stores. One of my favourite shops in the city is Courage My Love, a vintage clothing and "oddities" shop located in a really cool neighbourhood called Kensington Market. The store has been there forever, and sells all sorts of vintage and handmade jewelry, as well as amazing beads and buttons. It's a fun place to visit, and I can't wait to be able to go again.
双子のSachikoと共に可愛いウェアや小物を多く発表しているKiyomi Burgin。20号にはセーターと帽子の2点をデザインして下さいました。
amirisu: この2点のデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?
Kiyomi: モヘアレースで編んだ時に透ける感じがとても好きです。その編み地を通して覗くとステンドグラスを通しているみたいで、だったら実際に窓の模様の入ったセーターを作ったらどうかと考えました!Madoは実験的なデザインでしたが、編み上がった作品はとても気に入っています。
amirisu: もう1枚編むとしたら何色で編みますか?
Kiyomi: 夜の窓のような色で編んでみたいです。メインカラーをダークグレーにして、窓を薄い黄色とラベンダー色で編んでランプとテレビで照らされたような窓を表現したいです。
TabouretはメインカラーをBlack Truffle、そしてコントラストをoatmealで編んだらどうかと思います。結局サンプルの色をひっくり返すだけね!
amirisu: ご自宅の近くのオススメのお店や場所があったら教えて下さい (自由に旅をできる日々が戻ってくることを夢見ています)。
Kiyomi: 私はカナダのトロントに住んでいるのですが、近所には面白いお店や場所がたくさんあり、その中には素敵な毛糸屋や手芸店もあります。その中でもお気に入りの1つはビンテージの洋服と一点物のお店Courage My Loveで、Kensington Marketという流行りの場所にあります。このお店はずっと昔からあって、宝石から素晴らしいビーズやボタンまであらゆるビンテージ物を扱っています。とても楽しいお店なので、また行ける日を楽しみにしています。