Featured: Fuwafuwa by Miyuki Watanabe
Although we had a warm winter here in Japan, there is always excitement in the air when we feel the beginning of spring. Today, we introduce Fuwafuwa from amirisu Issue 18, a perfect swingy cardigan for this time of year. Japanese designer Miyuki Watanabe's designs are always well thought-out and fun to knit. Let's start the interview!
amirisu: Where did you get the inspiration for Fuwafuwa?
Miyuki: I always wanted to design something with multiple textures, and decided that the line between those textures should not be horizontal. As a lover of wrap and turn, diagonal lines came to mind.
Using mohair wasn't an option at first, but knitting with different materials struck a chord in me, and decided to experiment with it. Then, I decided it would be a top-down cardigan.
amirisu: If you were to knit in another color, what would it be?
Miyuki: I would like to knit in Tiffany's blue.
amirisu: How did you start your knitting journey?
Miyuki: My grandmother taught me to knit when I was a little girl. At first, I was mesmerized by spool knitting, and just kept making cords after cords, and the love for the craft I felt then, hasn't changed since. Crochet became my favorite next, although I can't remember what I was making then.
I went on to knitting, and the first thing I made was a garter-stitch scarf. I was in and out of knitting while I was in school, though. Much later, I discovered Michiyo's knitting books and then Raverly, which brought knitting fully back into my life.
amirisu: Were you knitting with Japanese patterns at the beginning? And if so, has anything changed since you found foreign designs and Raverly?
Miyuki: Yes, I was, and I still love the layout of the Japanese patterns. You could visually see how to knit the project in full, before starting. But at the same time, I felt a little constrained that most of the Japanese designs were written only in one size, and how there were no room for any modifications.
Discovering foreign patterns and Raverly, my knitting completely took a new turn. I found wide ranges of sizes and designs, and I felt so free. In Japanese knitting, we are always directed to knit exactly as written, so things like "knit to a desired length" or "cast on with any method you like" were a real surprise for me, and there were times that I felt uneasy about it, too. But as I struggled through these English patterns, I became more and more intrigued by the designs offered on Raverly. If it wasn't for Raverly, I probably won't be knitting now, and also, I wouldn't be designing. It opened up my world!
amirisu: What is your favorite way of spending time outdoors?
Miyuki: When the weather is nice, I like to go out and feel the breeze while seeing the beautiful scenery, drink and knit.
Thank you Miyuki for your time, and we look forward to many designs of yours to come.
今年の冬は暖冬でしたが、それでも春の訪れは嬉しいものですね。そろそろ軽い糸でフワッと羽織れるようなものを編みたくなるのは、私だけではないはず。今回ご紹介するのは amirisu18号からこんな季節にぴったりのFuwafuwa。Miyuki Watanabeさんのウェアはどれも細部まで考え抜かれていて、編んでいて楽しいデザインばかりです。では、インタビューを始めましょう。
amirisu: Fuwafuwaのインスピレーションはどんなところから得ましたか?
Miyuki: 異なるテクスチャの編地を組み合わせて何かを作ってみたいって思っていました。編地の切り替え部分は真っ直ぐではないものにしようと思いました。引き返し編みが大好きなので、山あり谷ありを思いつきました。もともとモヘアは考えていなかったのですが、素材も異なる組み合わせにしたら面白いかもと思い、モヘアを使うことを決めました。それから、アイテムはカーディガンにしようと決め、編み方はトップダウンにしようと決めました。
amirisu: もしご自分用にもう1着編むとしたら、何色にしますか?
Miyuki: ティファニーブルーで編みたいです。
amirisu: 編み物を始めたきっかけは何でしたか?
Miyuki: 子供の頃、祖母と母から習いました。最初はリリアンでした。編むことが楽しくて、ただ無心に紐を作り続けました。ただただ編みたいっていう気持ちはこの頃から変わっていないって思います。次はかぎ針でした。かぎ針で何を編んだかは思い出せません。最後に棒針。棒針で最初に編んだものは、ガーター編みのマフラーだったと思います。学生時代、編むことはほとんどなく過ごしました。社会人になって、michiyo先生の本に出会い、Raverlyに出会って編み物を再開しました。
amirisu: 最初は日本の編み図で編まれていましたか?
Miyuki: 最初は日本の編み図で編んでいました。私は日本の編み図も好きです。完成までの編み方が一目瞭然だからです。ただ、ほとんどのパターンがワンサイズだったこと、パターン通りに正しく編むことが求められていることなど、少し窮屈なところもありました。
amirisu: お好きなアウトドアでの過ごし方を教えて下さい。
Miyuki: 気候のいい季節、心地よい風を感じて、景色を見ながら、お酒を飲み編み物をすることです。