Fantastic Stripes by Meri Tanaka
Issue 23 features two amirisu designs and today will be talking with Meri about her design, Fantastic Stripes. Worked in the worsted weight high-twist yarn Hike, this design uses double knitting to create a warm, graphic cowl that keeps its shape.
amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?
Meri: I’ve always liked Wes Anderson’s work, so when the theme for this issue was decided I knew I wanted to pick one of his movies. Since we had plenty of garments in this issue, I ended up designing a cowl. I like a bold graphic look for a small accessory like a cowl, so I chose Fantastic Mr. Fox for my inspiration. I looked for motifs in the movie, but the use of color left the biggest impression on me. Throughout the movie there are stripes of colors like orange, red, and yellow, so I decided to bring that into the design.
amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?
Meri: I brainstormed about 10 different color combinations as I was working on this design, and one of my favorites was a deep red with light brown and little bit of golden brown for the cast on and bind off. I’d like to make that colorway for myself.
amirisu: How did you start your knitting journey?
Meri: My mom brought me yarn and a crochet hook one day when I was spending some time in the hospital as a kid. That was my first encounter with crafting with yarn. I made clothes and hats for my stuffed animals, but I didn’t become more seriously interested in it until my 30s. At the time, I was feeling like my weekends were just passing me by, so I decided that I should try making something on my days off. I happened upon an English knitting book on Amazon one day and the rest is history.
amirisu: What is your favorite movie genre?
Meri: I watch anything other than horror. Movies are a form of entertainment for me, so I'd always prefer to watch something with a happy ending. I love it when that happy feeling stays with me after the end of the move, or when I feel inspired and energized by what I’ve watched. I enjoy understated European films from time to time, but I really love flashy Hollywood movies.
amirisu: When and where do you typically knit?
Meri: Now that my son has gotten a little bigger it has been more difficult to find time to knit in the morning or at night, so my lunch break or joining a knit café are precious knitting opportunities for me.
23号にはamirisuデザインが2点ありますが、今回はFantastic Stripesをデザインしたメリにお話を聞いています。ヨリのきいたamirisu Hikeを使いダブルニッティングで編むので、クシャッとせずしっかり立ちますよ。
amirisu: このデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?
Meri: ウェス・アンダーソンの映画がずっと好きで、このテーマが決まった時に彼の映画を選びたいと思いました。ただ、実際問題として、今回他の作品がウェアばっかりだったのでカウルをデザインすることになり。カウルだったらポップな感じがいいのかなーとFantastic Mr. Foxを選びました。モチーフを探して映画を見ていたのですが、一番印象に残ったのが色使い。オレンジ、赤、黄色などのストライプが散りばめられていて、それをデザインに活かしたいと思いました。
amirisu: もう1枚編むとしたら何色で編みますか?
amirisu: 編み物を始めたきっかけは何でしたか?
amirisu: 好きな映画のジャンルはなんですか?
amirisu: 普段の生活では、いつどこで編み物をすることが多いですか?