Curly Hair Poncho & Socks
This interview is with Derako, who designed a charming poncho and sock set with ruffles. The contrast between the tight twisted rib knitting and the fluffy ruffles is irresistible. We hope you will enjoy knitting these while humming the song that inspired them, it's famous in Japan but you may know it, too!
amirisu: Where did you get the inspiration for this design?
Derako: I got the idea from the feisty girl in the lyrics of "Rouge no Dengon" (Message in Rouge or Lipstick Message) by Yumi Matsutoya, the opening song of Studio Ghibli's movie "Kiki's Delivery Service."
amirisu: What were some of the challenges you experienced in the design process?
Derako: For the poncho, I looked for a way to make the increases look beautiful.
For the socks, I focused on finding an easier way to add ruffles.
amirisu: If you were to knit these again, what color would use?
Derako: I think I would like to knit both the poncho and the socks in the brown and blue color that test knitter Konatsu knitted.
Or maybe I would try a monotone version with gray or pink using different saturations or tones of the same color for the MC and CC.
I would even like to knit a version without changing the yarn between MC and CC!
amirisu: Is there any particular music you like to listen to while knitting?
Derako: When I am knitting, I often listen to English or Korean music because I tend to listen to Japanese lyrics and get distracted. I listen to a lot of hiphop and K-pop.
Derako: I got the idea from the feisty girl in the lyrics of "Rouge no Dengon" (Message in Rouge or Lipstick Message) by Yumi Matsutoya, the opening song of Studio Ghibli's movie "Kiki's Delivery Service."
amirisu: What were some of the challenges you experienced in the design process?
Derako: For the poncho, I looked for a way to make the increases look beautiful.
For the socks, I focused on finding an easier way to add ruffles.
amirisu: If you were to knit these again, what color would use?
Derako: I think I would like to knit both the poncho and the socks in the brown and blue color that test knitter Konatsu knitted.
Or maybe I would try a monotone version with gray or pink using different saturations or tones of the same color for the MC and CC.
I would even like to knit a version without changing the yarn between MC and CC!
amirisu: Is there any particular music you like to listen to while knitting?
Derako: When I am knitting, I often listen to English or Korean music because I tend to listen to Japanese lyrics and get distracted. I listen to a lot of hiphop and K-pop.
Thank you, Derako-san!
amirisu: このデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?
Derako: スタジオジブリの映画、魔女の宅急便のオープニング曲、
amirisu: デザインの過程で、どんな苦労や工夫がありましたか?
Derako: ポンチョは増し目が美しく見える方法を探しました。
amirisu: もう一枚編むとしたら何色で編みますか?
Derako: ポンチョも靴下もテストニッターのこなつさんが編んでくださったブラウン×ブルーで編みたいです。
amirisu: 編み物をしながら聴く音楽、編み物が捗る音楽はありますか?
Derako: 編み物をしている時は日本語の歌詞だと歌詞に聞き入ってしまうので、英語や韓国語の音楽をよく聞きます。Hip hopやK-popアイドルの曲が多いです。
Derako: スタジオジブリの映画、魔女の宅急便のオープニング曲、
amirisu: デザインの過程で、どんな苦労や工夫がありましたか?
Derako: ポンチョは増し目が美しく見える方法を探しました。
amirisu: もう一枚編むとしたら何色で編みますか?
Derako: ポンチョも靴下もテストニッターのこなつさんが編んでくださったブラウン×ブルーで編みたいです。
amirisu: 編み物をしながら聴く音楽、編み物が捗る音楽はありますか?
Derako: 編み物をしている時は日本語の歌詞だと歌詞に聞き入ってしまうので、英語や韓国語の音楽をよく聞きます。Hip hopやK-popアイドルの曲が多いです。